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home generator

4 Warning Signs of a Failing Generator

A standby or backup generator is a great device to have on hand, especially during storm season. Choosing the right size gives you enough power to run all your essential devices and appliances. It even lets you use the lights until the city restores the power grid. Before the next big storm, look for some signs you have a failing generator on your hands.

1. Slow Start

One of the best things about adding a standby generator is that it automatically comes on when your home loses power. Within minutes, you can start using all of your appliances and devices. A failing generator won’t start as quickly. It can take twice as long or even longer to kick on and create power fluctuations because it struggles to run. While a sluggish generator may need simple maintenance, it may also need a significant repair.

2. Multiple Alerts

Most modern generators have a digital screen that allows you to see and adjust the settings. This screen produces alerts when the system notices a problem, which presents as a small colored icon on the display. Though some models allow you to run simple tests automatically to check the settings, others require that you follow a series of steps to test them. When the generator produces multiple alerts simultaneously during a test, you may have a big problem. The generator can also alert you of issues and problems as it runs.

3. Leaks

Generators can run off natural gas, propane, or standard gas. No matter what fuel source you use, always look for signs of leaks. Sometimes, you might see a transparent liquid with a multicolored or a rainbow of liquids floating on the surface. This multicolored substance is coolant, which regulates the temperature of the generator and keeps it running. Leaks can affect the generator’s performance and keep it from supplying the needed power.

4. Gray Smoke

You never want to see gray smoke coming from your generator. As soon as you smell or see smoke, shut it down. A generator can smoke when it blows a head gasket, but smoke can also relate to a crankcase issue or a leak that hasn’t yet pooled around the generator. In some cases, a generator can even produce smoke and sparks at the same time.

These are key warning signs your generator is failing. Having it repaired can help you get more use out of it. Schedule an appointment for your generator with United Electric in Tucson, AZ.